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Which of the following is not an authoritarian form of government? Dictatorship B. Totalitarianism C. Absolute monarchy D. Direct democracy 6. What did Plato critique in his book The Republic? Communism B. Socialism InstantAnswerPlace. Isolationism...
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It made Plymouth a royal colony. It founded the Plymouth colony under a proprietary governor. Regarding the Magna Carta, which statement is false? King John was forced to sign the document. The document assured all English citizens freedom of...
Penn Foster Practical English Lesson 4 Exam Answers
Hessian troops at Trenton. In England, people associate the acceptance of their Bill of Rights with the reign of A. King John. Edward I. James II. William and Mary. Suppose you work for a government agency that regulates the buying and selling in the country. Which main purpose of government is your agency serving? Settling disputes B. Keeping civil order C. Distribution of resources D. Organizing work for common goals InstantAnswerPlace.
Penn Foster - Healthcare Reviews
What they di prey on people who are trying to do something with their own lives. I have a Double Degree. I wanted to update my credentials in medical coding and billing. It has been 10 since I last did this and ICD 10 is new to me. Penn Foster assurred me that I would receive coding information to get my certficate in coding and billing. Nothing was ever sent to me but a bill. They promised to send course materials. Information was never received i also made multiple calls and left messages and no one ever called back but to ask me for money. What they don't tell you is that even after passing the AAPC test for a CPC certificate, if you don't have 2 years of actual coding experience on the job, nobody will give you the time of day. All of the prior claims experience meant absolutely nothing. The certification did not mean a thing. Without the prior work experience I could not get a single interview after numerous applications. No help whatsoever.
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Their online format is all over the place and not user friendly. I've called there and get attitude on the phone. Theres no teacher to get ahold of. I shouldve gone with Ashworth. I think the online system is pretty well structured and doesn't take long to figure out how to navigate it. I like it alot. I am in a certification program and I am really happy so far with it. I've been in it a few months and everything is going well. First off both are Accredited. Thats soooo important when finding an online school. I have seen people wanting to know which is better Penn Foster or Ashworth since they are similar in price. They are two completely different things though. From the learning end of it, it is hard to say which is better, they are both great. But Ashworth has harder classes than Penn Foster, lets put it that way.
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I would recommend BOTH though. If you have a hard time learning or learning disabilities then Penn Foster is the one to pick. I think they both compliment each other. I finished in the beginning of September My education was very beneficial from Penn Foster. I enjoyed going to school from the comfort of my home. I learned a lot and loved the hands on studies with Coding and electronic health records.
Penn Foster Exam Answers
Penn Foster will prepare you for the job you are looking for. This school is absolutely terrible. They make you wait, wait, wait, and wait more. I've waited over three weeks for my proctor exams to be sent to me. I've waited over 20 days for a book to sent to me when I was already told it was shipped out. You call the school, you talk to the a representative on your student portal, no one knows anything. I asked for a breakdown of my 4th semester to be sent to my house because the discount seemed like it should be higher to me, they sent me my cost breakdown for the 1st semester. This college is full of a bunch of incompetent workers.
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I wish I knew this prior. This school is nothing but a big headache that will add to your stress. But finding out they are now charging me money without sending my information off to the VA Is ridiculous. Do not attend this school. The work was really simple not really pertaining specifically to my field of practice. They are now charging me dollars. If they would have sent my enrollment off to the Va I would of had money to send them. Financial aid and their va department sucks. Now doing medical billing and coding diploma. The student services are excellent and the education you receive is very comprehensive. I possess a BS degree and over 25 years in health care field so I can say I have been pleased.
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Then, the course was over, and I can't get a job, I'm not going to even try, because what little I got to do, PennFoster scratched all over it that I was wrong on nearly everything. I was supposed to capitalize things that I didn't know I was. I wasn't supposed to capitalize things that I did. And I have no idea what thousands of words in a contract that I'm supposed to even capitalize, let alone write in any certain format or way. It was a complete scam. They didn't even try to make a Legal Transcriptionist out of me. They simply took what was in their Paralegal Course, called it Legal Transcription, and they're raking in the dough, but giving nothing of value to anyone.
Penn Foster Essay 00786800
I'm sad. I've since learned from the Consumer Protection Agency that Penn Foster is considered a "diploma mill". I got that with this program! Advisory for prospective enrollees: You have to know what you're getting into before you sign up and start the coursework. This is a for-profit school so while they are affording you with a low-up front cost and flexibility, you may feel you've lost out on the guidance and direction of a professor and that the program is not as thorough as you would like. Remember this is an online program designed to help you pass a test, not make you a proficient biller, coder or healthcare professional.
Penn Foster Homework Help
Just with any other course you take, they can only teach you so much, you'll learn the rest in the real world. On to my review: The course material is presented in a way that's user-friendly and interactive! The material is easily digested as it is broken down into colorful slides and grouped together in sections. Each lesson starts with a projection for the course of the lesson with an overview and review! There is very little staff presence but, really, the program is set-up in a way that you shouldn't really need any in depth help. If you see yourself needing serious assistance perhaps you would benefit better from an instructor led virtual program or a classroom setting. I have a list if you want it. This course sets up a timeline for you and you can change it they have an app that allows you make a graduation plan! So it'll give you projected exam dates and lesson completion dates so that you can see by when you will have completed your program.
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It is self-paced but that is something to think about. Also, I found that if you are in this program, the Ashworth program is a good aide and vice-versa. Being in the Ashworth program alone was not working. They presented too much info at one time but this one is spaced out so perfectly that you can supplement with lessons from a more intense program like Ashworth that isn't going to give you the WHY or HOW. Penn Fosters delivers good info in a way that makes it fun, almost lol. Now, the cons: So far, I don't see any except that maybe the exams do not cover as much information as I would like. Given we have about 8 sections in a lesson, and each section is about 15 slides, you would think they'd want to cover more material.
You do receive a year membership into AAPC but your exam fee is an out of pocket expense. And that is really what this is all for! This school is basically a mill for cvs and Walgreens. If you really want to learn to be a tech, you should find a real school who's only affiliations are not just retail. This low class ghetto so called school could not teach the aspects needed to garner a real job. So if you are happy earning 25K a year with no hope for promotion, this is your school, if you have higher more lofty goals then find a real school. The "teachers" are graders, they don't actually design the coursework. There is a lot of filler, work that is similar for many of the degrees, that has nothing to do with the content you want; ie, if I wanted to learn how to write or learn MS Office, I would have taken the course for them.
Answers To Penn Foster Exam
How much does it really cost? How long does it take to complete? We answer all these important questions. Read this review before you make your decision. The program allows you to work towards the bright future you deserve. Every year, more than 40, students from all across the U. Penn Foster High School offers a unique online learning platform that combines state-of-the-art interactive technology and instructor support to help you get ahead and earn your secondary education degree. Earning a high school diploma will open new doors. Students with a secondary degree can go on to continue their education in college, enter the workforce, or join the military. Having a secondary education credential really pays off! Is the Penn Foster high school diploma legit? So, in general, before you sign up for any online high school course, make sure the school is properly accredited and licensed.
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If you want to read more about how to earn a GED diploma fast rather than signing up for an online high school, check out this post where you can learn all about it. But there are circumstances where a high school diploma is preferred over a GED so quite a few students feel that they may benefit more from a Diploma program. Most branches of the U. Military, for example, value a high school diploma higher than a GED. Today, with online high school diploma programs so prevalent, it has become easier than ever before to not only get a GED but also go back to school in an online format and get your high school diploma from the comfort of your home.
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Are Penn Foster diplomas accepted? Well, the fact of the matter is that colleges do not accept a high school diploma, they accept a student. A high school diploma simply states that the student successfully completed the minimum course requirements at a certain school. Keep in mind that colleges use various acceptance criteria and requirements and that not all universities and colleges are recognizing all standard high school diplomas. This includes Students at Penn Foster High School also choose five elective credits that range from academic subject fields like Algebra or American Literature to a number of career electives such as vet assistant or auto repair.
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The courses are broken down into mobile-friendly, small lessons that are easy to work with and comprehend as students work online toward their high school diploma. All Penn Foster programs have their own pretty affordable tuition and the school offers several interesting payment options at zero percent interest. Students have the option to pay in full upfront and get tuition discounts or pay monthly payments. There are also automatic payment plans that also include tuition discounts. Please read the review and decide for yourself! How long does it take to complete Penn Foster High School? Penn Foster High School Diploma Course is self-paced, meaning you decide for yourself how long you will take to earn your high school diploma. But, of course, the longer you take, the more expensive it gets.
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Just keep your academic achievement. That matters! What is the age limit for Penn Foster? To sign up for Penn Foster High School, applicants need to have fully completed at least the 8th grade. Accreditation and licensing Accreditation and licensing are among the most important criteria a school must adhere to that make the school legitimate. Our reviews only cover properly accredited online high schools such as Penn Foster or Excel Online High School as an alternative to a traditional high school education or a GED diploma. Accreditation is recognition by specific organizations and agencies that certifies that the school meets or exceeds specific educational standards as determined by the organization. Schools can earn basically two types of accreditation, regional and national. In the U. National accreditation can be obtained from independent accrediting agencies that usually focus on vocational schools or career-specific education, and also on online schools and colleges.
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Penn Foster High School holds both regional and national accreditation which ensures that the diploma issued by the online school is legitimate. This part of the program results, when completed, in Orientation — In this course, students will develop the skills required for success in the online high school program. This section teaches them how to stay focused and successfully complete their studies. Math 1 — This section provides the basis for the successful utilization of mathematical principles in life and career. Math 2 — This course covers the four basic mathematical operations, so students will be able to use these fundamentals at a more advanced level. Consumer Math — This section teaches students how to apply math knowledge to several areas of their everyday lives. Human Relations — In this section, students are taught how to enhance their interpersonal capabilities, so they can be successful in post-secondary education and future careers.
Penn Foster Practical English Lesson 4 Exam Answers | Online Tutoring | TutorsOnSpot
Reading Skills — This part teaches students reading techniques and provides tips about how to become better readers. Basic English — This section helps students to improve their English skills, so they can communicate more effectively in their personal life, their further academic education, and their careers. Literature — The Literature course allows students to experience literature broader and more actively, and to become emotionally and intellectually more engaged with Literature. Earth Science — This section covers various topics related to geology, oceanography, astronomy, meteorology, and environmental science. Biology — In this part of the curriculum, students will gain insight into the relationships between living organisms, the origins of life, and how the human body functions. Physical Science — This section addresses a number of modern science topics that affect our everyday lives, from heat and energy to electricity and sound.
Penn Foster Exam Answers
American History — This course covers U. Students learn about the native people who lived here long before the Europeans came to set up colonies. They will also be taught about the birth and development of the United States, a vibrant and young nation with so many world-changing events in its relatively short history. World History — This section covers the large-scale trends and highlights seen in the history of the world. The World History course starts out with ancient civilizations to continue with people and events from the 15th century to contemporary topics.
Penn Foster High School-Review
Civics — The Civics course addresses how our government is organized, the purposes of government, types of government, and how governments can differ in structure and organization. A high school degree qualifies students for better jobs and a college education. Electives Under the program, students can choose from electives to complete People Also Read:.
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You must read a full-length novel. This study guide, which contains n An introduction to your course n A lesson assignments page, which outlines the study assignments in your textbook n Self-checks and answers to help you assess your understanding of the material 2. Your course textbook, Successful College Writing, which contains your assigned readings, as well as additional quizzes, essay assignments, as well as additional quizzes and essay assignments. Begin reviewing the text by reading the table of contents on pages xxvii—xlv. Then follow the study guide for directions on required reading assignments. Exercises and model essays are also important parts of every chapter.
Penn Foster Exam Answers
These can be found beginning on page in Chapter The material for this course is divided into eight lessons. Each lesson contains one or more assignments. Read the introduction to each assignment in this study guide. Read the required sections in the textbook, keeping your study guide handy as you read. If the study guide refers to a specific figure in the textbook, pay particular atten- tion to that item. Use the headings in the outline to ask yourself questions. When you feel confident that you understand the mate- rial for a particular assignment, complete the self-check in this study guide and compare your answers to those given at the end of this study guide.
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Do not submit the self-checks for grading. Submit each written project for grading and evaluation as soon as you complete it. Complete each lesson in this manner. Study pace. You have a study time limit for the semester but not one specific to Advanced Composition. Generally, you should allot at least two weeks for each lesson, with some taking longer than that. You must complete each exam in the correct order. The goal of this course is to help you grow as a writer by building on your strengths and improving your weaknesses with each assignment. Therefore, this course emphasizes the process approach to writing. You must successfully complete the prewriting exams for Lessons 6 and 7 before you submit the essay exams.
Penn Foster Exam Answers
If you have other courses available for study, you may work on those materials while taking this English course and submit any completed exams. To keep your work for this course organized, create clearly labeled files in your word processing program. When you reopen a rough draft, immediately click Instructions to Students6 Save As and add the date before further revision.
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