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Keywords for this question: courses for school students, Take a look at point no. Keywords for this question: language teaching, special purposes, Advertisement B talks about language teaching for special purposes. Keywords for this question: wide...
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Keywords for this question: temporary traffic lights, will operate, intersections, Main Street, There is no mention of any temporary traffic lights in this notice. Keywords for this question: bus services, to the university, throughout the weekend,...
Along the way, we despoiled most of the land we worked, often turning verdant, natural ecozones into semi-arid deserts. This means that, for the majority, we humans have shelter from the elements, yet we subject our food- www facebook. However, more often than not now, due to a rapidly changing climate, that is not what happens. Massive floods, long droughts, hurricanes and severe monsoons take their toll each year, destroying millions of tons of valuable crops.
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There would be no weather-related erap failures due Ww drouglits, fuods or posts. All the food could be grown organically, eliminating the need for herbicides, pesticides and fertilisers. Although the system would enncume energy, it would return : energy lo the grid via methane generation from composting non- edible parts of plants. It would also! Without it, those plants nearest the windows would be exposed to more sunlight www. Single- storey greenhouses have the benefit uf natural overlwad light: even so, many still need artificial lighting, A multl-storey facility with no natural overhead light would require far more. Generating enough light could be prohibitively expensive, unless cheap, renewable energy is available, and this appears to be rather a future aspiration than a likelihood for the near future.
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One variation on vertical farming that has been developed is to grow plants in stacked trays that move on rails. Moving the trays allows the plants to get enough sunlight. This system is already in operation, and works well within a singlo-storoy groonhouso with light reaching it from above: it is not certain, however, that it can be made to work without that overhead natural light. Vertical fanning is ai attenupt Ww address the undoubted problems that we face in producing enough food for a growing population. At the moment, though, more needs to be done to reduce the detrimental impact it would have on the environment, i particularly as regards the use of energy. While it is possible that much of our food will be grown in skyscrapers in future, most experts currently believe it is far more likely that we will simply use the space available on urban rooftops.
Raising The Mary Rose Answer | Ielts Reading Cambridge 11 Test 2 Answers
Write your answers in haves an your answer sheet. Indoor farming 1 Some food plants, including , are already grown indoors. Fertilisers will be needed for certain crops in vertical farms. Vertical farming will make plants less likely to be affec! Opened in , itis central to the ambitious This had been dismantled in , thereby breaking the link, When the project was launched in , the British Waterways authority were keen to create a dramatic twenty-first. The eventual winner was plan for the huge rotating steel boat lift which was to become The. Falkirk Wheel. The unique shape of the structure is claimed to have been inspired by various sources, both manmade and natural. A team there carehilly accambled the 1, tonnes of steel, painstakingly fitting the pieces together to an accuracy of just 10 mm to ensure a perfect final fit.
Cambridge Ielts 11 Reading
In the summar of , the structure was then dismantled and transported on 35 lorries to Falkirk, before all being bolted back together again on the ground, and finally lifted into position in five large sections by crane. The Wheel would need to withstand immense and constantly changing stresses as it rolaled, so lo make the structure more robust, the steel soctions were bolted rather than welded together. Over 45, bolt holes were matched with their bolts, and cach bolt wos hond-tightened. The Wheel consists of two sets of opposing axe-shaped arms, attached about 25 metres apart to a fixed central spine. These gondolas always weigh the same, whether or not they are carrying, boats. So when a boat enters a gondola, the amount of water leaving the gondola weighs exactly the same as the boat.
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It takes just 1. Two hydraulic steel gates are raised, so as to seal the gondola off from the water in the canal basin. A hydraulic clamp. In the central machine room an array of ten hydraulic motors then begins to rotate the central axle. As the wheel rotates, the gondolas are kept in the upright position by a simple gearing system. Boats travel under this wall via a tunnel, then through the locks, and finally on te the Union Canal tor www. Write your answers in boxes on your answer sheel. How a boat is lifted on the Falkirk Whccl A pair of 20 are lifted in order to shut out water from canal basin is taken oul, enabling Wheel to rotate 26 J raise boat 11m to level of Union Canal Hydraulic motors drive Boat is raised, floating in one of Wheel's two gondolas Boat travels through tunnel beneath Roman 25 tas Boat reaches top Wheel, then Arange of different-sized 23 moves directly onto 24 ensures boat kceps upright 24 www facebook.
IELTS-11 Reading Test-1
Reducing the Effects of Climate Change Mark Rowe reports on the increasingly ambitious geo-engineering projects being explored by scientists A Such is our dependence on fossil fuels, and such is the volume of carbon dioxide already released into the atmosphere, thae many experts agree that significant global warming is now inevitable, they believe that the best we can do 1s keep 1 at a reasonable level, and ac present ie unly seriuus updivn for doing dis is Cutting bach un ous carbon emissions. But while « few councries are making major strides in this regard, the majority are having great difficulty even stemming the rate of increase, let alone reversing it. Consequently, an increasing number of sciemists are beginning to explore the alternative of geo-engi which generally refers to the intentional large-scale manipulation of the environment.
( Update 2021) CAMBRIDGE IELTS 11 READING TEST 1 ANSWERS – Free Lesson
According to its proponents. For decades, May Day parades in Moscow have taken place under clear blue skies, aircraft having deposited dry ice, silver iodide and cement powder to disperse clouds. Many of the schem cated look to do the apposite, and reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the planct. His scheme would employ up to 16 willion minute spaceerafe, cach weighing about one gram, to form a transparent, sunlight-refracting sunshade in an orbit 1.
Crop-growing Skyscrapers Answer | Ielts Reading Cambridge 11 Test 1 Answers
But some look specifically at reversing the melting av the poles, particularly che Arctic. The reasoning is chat if you replenish the ice sheces a frozen wacers of che high lativudes, more light will be reflected back into space, so reducing the and atmosphere. Ihe sdea is modelled on historic volcanic explosions, such as that of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines n , which led ro a short-term cooling of global cemperatures by 0. Scientists have also scrutinised whether it's possible to preserve the ice sheets of Greenland with reintorced high-tension cables, preventing icebergs from moving into the sea, Meanwhile in die Russian Aretic, geo-engineering plans include the planting of millions of birch trees. Re-routing Russian rivers to increase cold water How to ice-forming areas could also be used to slow down warming. E Buc will such schemes ever be implemented? Generally spe: about geo-engineering are the scientists involved in the research.
Cambridge Ielts 11 Academic Reading Test 1 Answer With Explanation
Binh Thanh DT: www. Which paragraph contains the following intormation? Write the correct letter, AD, in boxes uli your ariswer shee! It may be necessary to limit the effectiveness of geo-engineering projects. Raising the Mary Rose How a sixteenth-century warship was recovered from the seabed On 19 July , English and French fleets were engaged in a sea battle off the coast of southem England in the area of water called the Solent, between Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight.
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Among the English vessels was a warship by the name of Mary Rose. Buil in Portsmouth some 35 years earlier, she hadhad a long and successful fighting career, and was a favourite of King Henry Vill. Accounts of what happened to the ship vary: while witnesses agree that she was not hit by the French, some maintain that she was outdated, overladen and sailing too low in the water, others that she was mishandled by undisciplined crew. What isundisputed, however, is that the Mary Rose sank into the Solent that day, taking atleast men with her. After the battle, attempts were made to recover the ship, but these failed The Mary Rose came to reston the seabed, lying on her starboard right side at an angle of approximately 60 degrees.
Cambridge Ielts 10 Reading Test 5 Answers
The hull the body of the ship acted as atrap for the sand and mud carried by Solent currents. Because of the way the ship sank, nearly all of the starboard half survived intact. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the entire site became covered with a layer of hard grey clay, which minimised further erosion. Then, on 16 June , some fishermen in the Solent found that their equipment was caught on an underwater obstruction, which turned out to be the Mary Rose.
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Diver John Deane happened to be exploring another sunken ship nearby, and the fishermen approached him, asking him to free their gear. Deane dived down, and found the equipment caught ona timber protruding slightly from the seabed. Exploring further, he uncovered several other timbers and a bronze gun. Deane continued diving on the site intermittently until , recovering several more guns, two bows, various timbers, part of a pump and various other small finds. The Mary Rose then faded into obscurity for another hundred years. | Page 27 Of 66 | Cambridge IELTS Answers
While on paper this was a plan to examine a number of known wrecks in the Solent, what McKee 41 Test 2 really hoped for was to find the Mary Rose. Ordinary search techniques proved unsatisfactory, so McKee entered into collaboration with Harold E. Edgerton, professor of electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In , Edgerton's side-scan sonar systems revealed a large, unusually shaped object, which McKee belleved was the Mary Rose. Further excavations revealed stray pieces of timber and an iron gun. But the climax to the operation came when, vn 5 May , part of the ship's frame was uncovered. McKee and his team now knew for certain that they had found the wreck, but were as yct unaware that it alsa housed a treasure trove of beautifully preserved artefacts.
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The decision whether or not to salvage the wreck was not an easy one, although an excavation in had shown that it might be possible to raise the hull. While the original aim was to raise the hull if at all feasible, the operation was not given the go ahead until January , when all the necessary information was available. An important factor in trying to salvage the Mary Rose was that the remaining 42 www. Binh Thanh DT: wyw. The hull was attached to a lifting frame via a network of bolts and lifting wires. The problem of the hull being sucked back downwards into the mud was avercnme hy using 19 hydraulic jacks. These raised ila few ventimelies over a period of several days, as the lifting frame rose slowly up its four legs. It was only when the hull was hanging freely from the lifting frame, clear of the seabed and the suction effect of the surrounding mud, that the salvage operation progresscd to the second stage.
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In this stage, the lifting frame was fixed to a hook allached to a crane, and the hull was lifted completely clear of the seabed and transferred underwater into the lifting cradle. The lifting cradle was designed to fit the hull using archaeological survey drawings, and was fitted with air bags to provide additional cushioning for the hull's delicate timber framework.
The title of the passage is The Story of Silk. This is an on-demand post which is a result of requests from IELTS candidates who have major difficulties in locating and gathering Reading Answers. This post can be the best channel for you to understand every Reading answer easily and without trouble because all the answers have easy and clear explanations. For this type of question, first, skim the passage to find the keywords in the paragraph concerned with the answer, and then scan to find the exact word.
So, we should try to locate the answer from here. The answer to this question can be found in paragraph no. Here, the phrase solely restricted to women means that only women were allowed to farm silk. Government officials were paid their salary in silk, and farmers paid their taxes in grain and silk. Keywords for the question: Merchants, Silk Road, bring back, precious metals In paragraph no. Keywords for the question: AD, hide, eggs, canes, Constantinople Answer to this question can be found in the middle of paragraph no. It was named the Silk Road after its most precious commodity, which was considered to be worth more than gold. Few merchants traveled the entire route; goods were handled mostly by a series of middlemen.
Ielts Test 6 Reading Answers
Then in the seventh century, the Arabs conquered Persia, capturing their magnificent silks in the process. Silk production thus spread through Africa, Sicily and Spain as the Arabs swept through these lands.
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Historically, the two canals had been joined near the town of Falkirk by a sequence of 11 locks - enclosed sections of canal in which the water level could be raised or lowered - that stepped down across a distance of 1. This had been dismantled in , thereby breaking the link. The eventual winner was a plan for the huge rotating steel boat lift which was to become The Falkirk Wheel. The unique shape of the structure is claimed to have been inspired by various sources, both manmade and natural, most notably a Celtic double- headed axe, but also the vast turning propeller of a ship, the ribcage of a whale or the spine of a fish. The various parts of The Falkirk Wheel were all constructed and assembled, like one giant toy building set, at Butterley Engineering's Steelworks in Derbyshire, some km from Falkirk.
Cambridge Ielts 10 Reading Test 5 Answers
A team there carefully assembled the 1, tonnes of steel, painstakingly fitting the pieces together to an accuracy of just 10 mm to ensure a perfect final fit. In the summer of , the structure was then dismantled and transported on 35 lorries to Falkirk, before all being bolted back together again on the ground, and finally lifted into position in five large sections by crane. The Wheel would need to withstand immense and constantly changing stresses as it rotated, so to make the structure more robust, the steel sections were bolted rather than welded together.
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