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Step 1 Read each question carefully from the first word to the last word. Do not skim over the words or read them too quickly. Step 2 Look for hints in the wording of the question stem. The adjectives most, first, best, primary, and initial indicate...
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Begin your questions with what, when, or why. We will refer to this reworded version as the Reworded Question in the examples that follow. A preschooler with a fractured femur is brought to the emergency room by her parents. Which of the following...
Critical Thinking Final Exam
The client is to be sent home on an oral regimen of terbutaline. Which of the following statements by the client indicates to the nurse that the client understands the discharge teaching about the medication? Pay attention to the words client understands. You are looking fortrue information. Reword the question stem. Because you were able to reword this question, the fourth step is unnecessary.
Final Exam Critical Thinking Flashcards Preview
TCOs 3, 6, 7, 9 Here is a passage that contains a rhetorical fallacy. Name the fallacy, and in a paragraph, explain why the argument is irrelevant to the point at issue. The governor is working for a balanced state budget, but it'll be on the backs of us taxpayers; the people who have the very least to spend! It seems pretty clear that these increased taxes are undermining the social structure in this state. Anybody who isn't angry about this just doesn't understand the situation and hasn't figured out just how miserable they are. This is what a fallacy is because of the reason for the rise in taxes are not really stated in the passage and the corrective activities which are the reason for the jump.
Critical Thinking Multiple Choice Assessment Answer Sheet
There is a vague passage which is political in nature that seems to want the people to rise up and take some actions. Chapter 6, page This is the argument from outrage. There is also an example of the strawman in the final sentence.
Final Practice Test - Critical Thinking
Name that fallacy, and in a paragraph, explain why the argument is irrelevant to the point of the passage. Here is your example for this question: I know I forgot to deposit that check into the bank yesterday. TCOs 5, 8 In the example below, identify the presumed cause and the presumed effect. Does the example contain or imply a causal claim, a hypothesis, or an explanation that cannot be tested?
PHIL 447 Logic And Critical Thinking Final Exam Answers
If it does fall into one of those categories, tell whether the problem is due to vagueness, circularity, or some other problem of language. Also tell whether there might be some way to test the situation if it is possible at all. Here is your example: This part of the coastline is subject to mudslides because there is a lack of mature vegetation growing on it. TCOs 2, 4 Explain in what way the thinking of the following statement is wrong or defective. Give reasons for your judgment. There must be something to palm reading. Millions of people believe in it. TCOs 3, 9 Briefly discuss how we look at sample size, sample diversity and bias in evaluating statistical studies. What factors do we look for and what questions do we ask in evaluating these aspects of a statistical study? TCOs 6, 7, 9 Here is a short essay about an investigation. Identify the causal hypothesis at issue. Identify what kind of investigation it is. There are control and experimental groups. State the difference in effect or cause between the control and experimental groups.
International Critical Thinking Essay Test
State the conclusion that you think is warranted by the report. Discuss how size, diversity, facts you know about the make-up of each group, and statistical significance of d factored into reaching your opinion of what conclusion is warranted. Daily wine drinking, however, seems to produce no protective effect. The lead researcher was Dr. The researchers identified the drinking patters of 1, people in Copenhagen in the s and then assessed them for dementia in the s, when they were aged 65 or older. When they were assessed two decades later, 83 of the participants had developed dementia. People who drank beer regularly were an increased risk of developing dementia. When you have done so, answer these questions, writing a paragraph for each question.
Final Exam Phil 447 Logic And Critical Thinking
Your questions are as follows. Is this an inductive or a deductive argument? What is the argument the writer is trying to make what is his claim or conclusion? What are his premises? Find at least two fallacies in this argument and identify them; if you are unsure of the name of the fallacy, explain why you think the example you cite is a fallacy — that is, what is the faulty reasoning, or the unsound argument, or the misleading argument or statement? Do the premises support the conclusion?
Critical Thinking Tests
If the argument is deductive is it Valid? Is it sound? If the argument is inductive, is it strong good factual support for the conclusion; few or no rhetorical fallacies or is it weak poor factual support; support contains too many rhetorical fallacies 5. Identify the form s of rhetoric — ethos, pathos, logos — does the author employ more than one form? By way of explanation, Mick Vick is a football player who was convicted for setting up dog fights, and the description of how the dogs were treated makes for veryunpleasant reading. The Passage: Vick deserves another chance. So is the NFL. Vick is just a street mutt, and ex-con, who deserves the right to work.
Critical Thinking Final Exam
Of course, the PETA folks will make his life miserable. I almost feel sorry for this newly-minted multi-millionaire. Let the games begin. TCOs 7, 8 Read the passage and answer the questions below. The Passage: Rights are either God-given or evolve out of the democratic process. Most rights are based on the ability of people to agree on a social contract, the ability to make and keep agreements. Animals cannot possibly reach such an agreement with other creatures. Therefore they cannot be said to have rights. Furthermore, the rights of an individual depend on the capacity of the individual to make and apply moral laws. Examine the premises; do they contain fallacies? If so, where is the faulty reasoning? Is this an argument from pathos, ethos or logos? If the argument in inductive, is it strong or weak? If it is deductive is it valid? Explain your answers TCOs 6, 7, 9 Read this passage below. When you have done so, answer these three questions, writing a paragraph for each question.
NCLEX-PN Practice Questions & Test Bank (200 Questions)
Your three questions are: 1. What premises is the author using? What conclusions does the author come to? Does the passage follow an identifiable, logical pattern of development? Either one thinks that there is no reason for believing any political doctrine or one sees some reason, however shaky, for the commitment of politics. If we consider the other case, that there is a patriotic justification for a political belief, then what?
Critical Thinking Test
And since each political position holds out the promise of reward for any probability of its fixing social problems, however small, that makes it seem rational to choose it over its alternatives. The trouble, of course, is that the people who have other political doctrines may hold theirs just as strongly, making strength of belief itself invalid as a way to determine the rightness of a political position.
Critical Thinking Test Practice ▷ Free Critical Reasoning Samples & Tips 2021
Then write a an explanation of each and b an example of a source that would not be credible in this respect. What is an argument? What is a counterargument? What are four words that are often though not always found in arguments? What is the difference between an argument and an explanation? Give an example of an explanation. Write an example of an argument of your invention with two dependent reasons reasons that work together to support the conclusion. Use standard form. Then draw an argument map to illustrate the logic used. Write an example of an argument of your invention with two independent reasons reasons that support the conclusion on their own. Use the materials on StudySmart to review the concepts as you go. Make a note of any questions you have: ask your teacher in your tutorial.
Critical Thinking
Part 2: Critical thinking in science 1. What is a scientific law and how is it different from, for example, the law against speeding? In survey design, what is a loaded question? Give an example and explain why it is problematic. Give an example and explain why it isproblematic. What is the difference between an absolute and a relative measure, and what are three words that could indicate that a measure is relative? Draw an example of a misleading graph. Then explain why it is misleading. For each type of error of false causation, write a definition and an example. What is a deductive argument? Explain and give an example of a sound deductive argument.
Shared Flashcard Set
Give an example of an argument that tries to use deductive reasoning but is not valid. Explain why it is not valid. Draw a Venn diagram to represent the argument. What does 'credibility' mean? For each type, write a a definition and b an example. Type of cognitive bias Definition Example 1. What is a scientific hypothesis? What is a scientific theory? In experimental design, what do the following terms mean? Final Exam Study Guide S1 3 6. What does 'correlation' mean? What does 'causation' mean? Overlooking a common cause Confusing cause and effect Explain and give an example of an argument with an missing reason.
PHIL102: Introduction To Critical Thinking And Logic
Then explain what the assumption is. What are the two main types of problems an argument can have? Give an example for each. What is a moral claim? What is a moral argument and what are two common ways to make a moral argument? For each type of fallacy, write an explanation or definition and an example. Final Exam Study Guide S1 6 What is a logical fallacy? Appeal to ignorance False dichotomy Appeal to authority Begging the question Weak analogy Straw man Slippery slope Related Papers.
Free Critical Thinking Tests Preparation And Example Questions
The Skills You Will Be Tested On Critical thinking tests can have 5 major sections or sub-tests that assess and measure a variety of aspects. You are presented with a short text containing a set of facts you should consider as true. Below the text is a statement that could be inferred from the text. You need to make a judgement on whether this statement is valid or not, based on what you have read. Furthermore, you are asked to evaluate whether the statement is true, probably true, there is insufficient data to determine, probably false, or false. For example: if a baby is crying and it is his feeding time, you may infer that the baby is hungry. However, the baby may be crying for other reasons—perhaps it is hot. Here you are given a statement followed by an assumption on that statement.
Final Practice Test - Critical Thinking - ProProfs Quiz
You need to establish whether this assumption can be supported by the statement or not. You are being tested on your ability to avoid taking things for granted that are not necessarily true. You are asked to choose between the options of assumption made and assumption not made. You are presented with a statement of facts followed by a conclusion on what you have read. For example, you may be told, "Nobody in authority can avoid making uncomfortable decisions. You need to assess whether the conclusion follows or the conclusion does not follow what is contained in the statement.
Final Exam Critical Thinking Flashcards By Paige Jarrell | Brainscape
You can read more about our deductive logical thinking test resources here. You are given a short paragraph to read, which you are expected to take as true. This paragraph is followed by a suggested conclusion, for which you must decide if it follows beyond a reasonable doubt. You have the choice of conclusion follows and conclusion does not follow. You are given a question followed by an argument. The argument is considered to be true, but you must decide whether it is a strong or weak argument, i. Critical Thinking Question Examples As there are various forms of critical thinking and critical reasoning, we've provided a number of critical thinking sample questions.
Example 1: Argument Analysis In a recent study, anthropologists surveyed adults who own pets and adults who do not own pets on their interpersonal capacities. The questions asked of both those who own pets and those who do not own pets included tests for 'computational requirements', that is, tuning in to all the little signals necessary to operate as a couple. While members of each group displayed outstanding interpersonal capacities, in general, the adults who own pets were much more empathetic than those who do not own pets. This indicates that people who are especially empathetic are more likely to adopt a pet in spite of the personal sacrifice and the occasional inconvenience than people who are less empathetic.,-eik,-g-j,-ioi,-
PHIL Logic And Critical Thinking Final Exam Answers – Tutorzone15
Most of the people surveyed, whether they own pets or do not own pets, displayed outstanding interpersonal capacities. The adoption of a pet involves personal sacrifice and occasional inconvenience. People with high degrees of empathy are more likely to adopt pets than people with low degrees of empathy. Interpersonal capacities entail tuning in to all the little signals necessary to operate as a couple. A person's degree of empathy is highly correlated with his or her capacity for personal sacrifice. Answer Explanation The correct answer is C People with high degrees of empathy are more likely to adopt pets than people with low degrees of empathy Answer explanation: In a question of this type, the rule is very simple: the main conclusion of an argument is found either in the first or the last sentence. If, however, the main conclusion appears in the middle of an argument, it will begin with a signal word such as thus, therefore, or so.
40 Critical Thinking Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers - ProProfs Quizzes
Regardless of where the main conclusion appears, the rest of the passage will give the reasons why the conclusion is true or should be adopted. The main conclusion in this passage is the last sentence, signaled by the words, 'This indicates that people who are especially empathetic are more likely to adopt a pet…than people who are less empathetic'. Example 2: Argument Practice Would differential cash bonuses for high productivity be beneficial to the workplace?
Critical Thinking Final Exam Flashcards
Differential bonuses have been found to create a hostile working environment, which leads to a decrease in the quality and quantity of products.
PHIL Certificate Final Exam | Saylor Academy
In other words, we have to convince them that they need our lip gloss in order to make their lives as exciting as the woman wearing it. Television could do that most effectively. Television commercials would give us the visual component we need. Our ads could really drive home the message that Wet Wonders lip gloss can change your whole look in instant. We want women to feel as though they can go from drab to fab with just one swipe of our lip gloss. Television would give us the ability to make women as though they would feel, sexy, confident and desirable when they wear our lip gloss. We could run our commercials during peak times that women are watching television such as the morning and afternoons.
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