Microsoft Digital Literacy Productivity Programs Test Item File Answer Key

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    Stephan opens the file to make some changes, and he wants to save it with a different name. Which of the following commands on the File menu will Stephan use to save the file with a different name? Save B. Save As Correct Answer C. Send To D. Page...

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    Font Correct Answer B. Paragraph C. AutoFormat D. Columns Objective 2. You use Office Word to write an essay about uses of computers. After typing the document, you notice that a few words have a red wavy underline as shown in the exhibit. Using the...

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    You create a document by using Office Word You need to enter the copyright symbol in this document. Which key combination will you use to add the copyright symbol? Anna is learning how to use a word processor. She wants to know the various tasks that she can perform by using this program. Which of the following options will answer her question? Select four. Create documents Correct Answer B. Edit videos C. Host a Web site D. Format text Correct Answer E. Edit documents Correct Answer F. Print pages Correct Answer G. Perform real-time communication He wants to know how to start this program. Arrange the steps in the following list in the order in which you will perform them to start Word.

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    Steps: A. Click Start. Point to Microsoft Office. Point to All Programs. Click Microsoft Office Word Correct Order: A. Waleed creates a page document. He wants to review the document from the beginning. He does not want to scroll up, but he wants to reach the beginning of the document by using the shortest method. Which of the following keys will he use?


    Email It! Online tools and resources have made it easier for teachers to instruct students, and for students to collaborate with those teachers and with other students and parents. These "Web 2. Some of these applications are Web-based, which means that they can be accessed from any computer. The following list is filled with tools that will make a teacher's, or those enrolled in the best online education programs , life easier. The categories are listed in alphabetical order and the links to each tool are also listed alphabetically within those categories. Aggregators The following list includes free tools that you can use to stay on top of current events, including headlines and blogs.

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    Aggie : Aggie is an open source news aggregator that's also a desktop application. It downloads the latest news and displays it in a Web page. Awasu : Awasu is a state-of-the-art feed reader that comes loaded with features for both casual personal use and professional, high-powered information management. Use this tool for content archiving, coupled with an advanced search engine, and use advanced features to manage your configurable channels. The personal edition is free to download and use. Bloglines : This is more of a personal news aggregator than a bookmark tool, but it's sophisticated and highly useful for teachers who want to stay on top of current events in any given topic. FeedReader : This is a free reader that is simple to use. It supports podcasts. WikiNews : Anyone can contribute, and articles are written collaboratively for a global audience.

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    They strive at all times to meet the policy of using neutral point of view, ensuring that their reporting is as fair as possible. Since this is a wiki, you can combine this site with other objectives in a project for your class. Bookmark Managers Bookmark managers make it easy to build a personal directory where researchers can tap into sites and materials that have been saved online and share them with others in most cases. The following bookmark managers are free to use, but they all have different angles. In other words, teachers and professors can do more with these sites than save a page or two. Diigo : Turn your students onto this tool, which works like a bookmark manager with a highlighter or with sticky notes. This is an ideal way to research for a paper or to create a new project for class. This site works much like MyStickies , but without Diigo's highlighter. Facebook : While Facebook is a social utility that can connect you with friends as well as with students, you can also use this tool to bookmark Web sites and specific Internet pages.

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    LinkedIn : Sometimes you just want to get away from the students. LinkedIn provides a way for you to communicate with your peers instead or not , and it's also useful for bookmarking. Pinterest : With Pinterest, teachers can organize and share anything from lesson plans, ideas, and crafts using a virtual bulletin board. Teachers can also use this tool to network with other educators. Twitter : Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co—workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of answers that can be no longer than characters and spaces per post.

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    Use this tool to help your students stay up-to-date, as you could advertise a Twitter address that students could use to learn about school projects, reading assignments, and other announcements. You can also use this tool as a bookmark manager for research. Bookmarks : Yahoo! Bookmarks is not intended to be a social bookmark site like the others. Instead, it essentially allows you use your personal bookmark list at any computer. In fact, it acts and feels very much like your browser's built-in bookmark manager. Classroom Tools You need tools to help assess class progress. You need tools to help keep students and parents apprised of the students' progress. You need all sorts of tools, you need them at your fingertips, and you need them to work efficiently. Some of those tools are listed below. Animoto : This web tool completely simplifies the creation and sharing of videos. Teachers will have no trouble creating lesson plans or presentations for students.

  • Microsoft Digital Literacy Productivity Programs Answers Links:

    Charles Kelley Quiz Generator : Create multiple choice or bilingual tests. Though some of the quizzes generated here can only be used on this website, others can be put on your own website. Teachers can display students' documents in their browsers and edit as needed. CuePrompter : This free service allows teachers to use their browser as a teleprompter. All users have to do is write or cut and paste their script online and press a button to start the prompter. Engrade : Engrade is a free online gradebook that allows teachers to manage their classes online as well as post grades, assignments, attendance, and upcoming homework online for students and parents to see.

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    Engrade is free and easy to use. Join over 10, teachers, parents, and students using Engrade today. Forvo : This online pronunciation dictionary comes in handy for foreign language teachers. Users can hear any word pronounced in any language. Grammarly : Several universities use this tool as a grammar checker. Students can use this as a method to improve the process of peer editing because it checks for more than points of grammar. My Project Pages : Built by teachers for teachers, use myprojectpages. Online Stopwatch : Just as the name suggests, this tool is a web-based stopwatch teachers can use for timed exams and other assignments.

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    The first place you should consider is the calendar, where you can post important dates and notices. Slideshare : Ok, so you're still with PowerPoint, but you can jazz that presentation up at Slideshare. This site takes your. You can add music, embed videos in comments and more — all for free. Survey Builder : Survey Builder allows you to easily create and manage online surveys suitable for Internet-based oral history projects, course evaluations, and other endeavors that involve collecting feedback. You do not need to know how to build a Web page that has forms, set up a database to store entries, or do any of the other technical tasks that are normally required to produce interactivity on the Internet. Teacher Planet : Teacher Planet is a one-stop spot for teacher resources. Teachers can download any number of lesson plan templates, worksheets, ESL-specific resources, and other tools. Web Poster Wizard : This free tool allows educators to create a lesson, worksheet, or class page and immediately publish it online.

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    Yugma : Teachers can use the free web conferencing feature with Yugma and also share their entire desktop in real-time with one student. This can be extremely helpful in one-on-one advising with students. Collaboration Part of teaching is collaboration. Teachers need to communicate with peers, administrators, and students. The tools listed below — some free and some for a cost — will help you stay on top of your projects with ease through open channels for collaboration. Basecamp : Projects don't fail from a lack of charts, graphs, stats, or reports, they fail from a lack of clear communication. Basecamp solves this problem by providing tools tailored to improve the communication between people working together on a project. Edmodo : Extremely similar to Twitter, except specifically designed for educators, Edmodo facilitates collaboration and content sharing among students, teachers, and school districts.

  • Digital Literacy Productivity Programs Answers To Guess

    FirstClass : Using a personalized Web page as a communication hub, teachers can send messages to the principal, pick up student assignments, change homework tasks for that evening, or have students build their own Web pages. FirstClass will run on a single server with one administrator for any number of users. This tool is not free. Gliffy : This diagram editor is easy to use, and you can save your work on their servers for free.

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    Gliffy Online has two ways to make document sharing simple. Collaboration enables others to see and edit your work by simply entering their email address. Publishing creates a read-only, or public, image of your diagram that you can easily embed in a wiki, blog, or other type of web software. LiveText : LiveText is a Web-delivered subscription service for teachers featuring collaborative lesson-building activities. Simple and easy to use, LiveText uses lesson planning as a focus for engaging the educational community.

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    This is not a free service. Mindomo : Mindmapping is a highly productive method of visual brainstorming that you can use to plan projects or to map out a knowledge base. Mindomo has an interface and feature set that rivals other free standalone mind-mapping applications such as Freemind. Maps are shareable but require you to register and login to save them. NoteMesh : Add some social flavor to your note taking with this collaborative wiki style class note taker. Users can post their lecture notes or contribute to existing lecture notes. NoteMesh wants to get classmates to collaborate to create a single definitive source for lecture notes. Schoology : Teachers can use this tool to share their instructional resources and connect with other educators. Skype : Teachers can collaborate on classroom projects while having their students visit a classroom in another part of the world using the interactive Skype in the classroom.

  • Microsoft Digital Literacy Productivity Programs Test Item File Answer Key

    Skype is a part of Microsoft, and it's free to use. Twiddla : Twiddla is a great way to connect with students or other educators. Through its web-conferencing capabilities, teachers can brainstorm and share ideas. WebOffice : Like FirstClass, WebOffice creates a virtual office environment for real-time meetings, and with the purchase of additional audio and video components, creates an experience that's almost like being there. Course Management You may need more than simple classroom tools like a quiz generator. You may need content, the ability to communicate, organization tools, and more. The following site offers at least one of these tools in combination with other capabilities. ATutor : Administrators can install or update ATutor in minutes, develop custom templates to give ATutor a new look, and easily extend its functionality with feature modules.

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    Productivity Programs. Lesson 2: Common Features and Commands. Carol uses Microsoft Office Word to create documents and store data in them. Which of the following digital technologies will he use for this purpose? Audio editing software Correct Answer Audio streaming Which of the following productivity programs can Amy use to manage this information? Graphics B. Word processor C. Audio editing software Digital Literacy. Learn how to work with word processors, spreadsheets, presentation programs, and database Your computer can perform tasks such as draft a letter, create a project report, make a sales presentation, maintain your personal accounts, or The Internet and the World Wide Web. Computer Security and Privacy. Introduction to Microsoft Office Productivity Programs. Each course has an e-learning module and an assessment. You can also take the Certificate Test, which covers topics from all five courses. If you pass the Certificate Test, you can print out a personalized Digital Literacy Tom notices that when he runs several programs simultaneously on his computer, the performance of the programs slows down considerably.

  • Digital Literacy | Microsoft

    Computer Performance. Productivity Program. Other Programs. Operating System. Using the Computer. This occurs at the intersection of a row and column in Excel, a spreadsheet program. It is the place where each value is stored. What is a cell? One of the most important This means finding the answer to a question or a bit of needed information and then judging whether Find more lesson plans on digital literacy here. Digital resources tend to work best when you're talking Digital literacy programs are educational sessions that help to The answers to these kinds of questions are not always apparent to everyone, especially those who No digital literacy program can work without allowing students to actually use devices, either their Create Presentation Download Presentation. Productivity Programs Digital Literacy Courses Digital Media Edition : Microsoft This version of Plus! Photo Story, Plus! COM The third module of the course Microsoft Digital Literacy describes the common features and commands of different productivity programs.

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    It also explains how to work with various categories of productivity programs, such as word processors, spreadsheets, presentation programs, and This free online Microsoft Digital Literacy course will help you understand risks and threats to computer security and privacy. To show the importance of digital literacy. To give an answer to a question "Does everyone should know about digital literacy? Productivity Power Tools VS

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    Tina creates a business proposal on her home computer. She wants to use a storage device to save the proposal and take it to her office. Which of the following devices will Tina use to store the files? Microphone B. Speakers C. Modem 2. Apurva needs to connect a printer to his computer. He asks you about the parts of a computer that he can use to connect the printer. What will you tell Apurva?

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