Lionbridge Theoretical Exam Answers

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    The guide itself is designed in a way that assesses your ability to understand and apply rating concepts and the rules based on instructions. There is a lot of material to go over, and it can be a bit confusing. The tool will help anyone who is...

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    You might be wondering how using this tool can help you pass the exam. The way that it is designed will show you exactly the problem area that you need to focus on. It helps you identify your level of understanding of the rating concepts, and your...

  • Lionbridge Review And 7 Reasons Why I Love Being A Rater

    If your application is approved, Lionbridge sends a mail about exam and exam deadline. After days of receiving mail, 1 week exam duration starts. You are expected to study on page long Guideline and complete 3 parts of exam. After each part Lionbridge sends an approval mail to continue with next part. Final results are shared with you within days after deadline. You are expected to evaluate page quality rating of each page and commenting on your rating along with marking flags, accomplishing research on each website. Candidates should rate pages and comment on them for 7 different user query. Each query has search engine results that needs to be rated. Exam Part 3 Example:.

  • Search Engine Evaluator: A Remote Job Anyone Can Apply For

    You will be required to provide feedback and analysis on content found in search engine results and provide ratings on their relevance to the search terms used. Exam Info Once your application is approved, you will receive a detailed e-mail about the process and the exam. After receiving the exam invitation e-mail, you have 7 days to study exam preparation materials including the pages of the General Guidelines which explains the rating rules and concepts in detail. Therefore you should start studying immediately after receiving the exam invitation e-mail. The overall results after completing part 3, should come in 1 or 2 days after the due date of your exam. In this part there are 32 question blocks and each block has 4 statements so there will be statements to answer in total. Let's take a look at the example below to better understand how you should complete the first part.

  • How To Pass Lionbridge Exam

    FullyMeets is a very special rating and you should be careful while using it. As you can see in the General Guidelines, FullyMeets is a special rating and it can only be used under certain circumstances. The user may have many different intents for this query. So we do not know what the user is exactly trying to achieve by this query. The user may be looking at how to crochet or different crocheting patterns. There is no dominant interpretation for this query so that, no results can receive FullyMeets rating for this broad query. There is only one reasonable and dominant interpretation for this query which is to go to the official website of united nations. So this result should be rated as FullyMeets. This part has 7 different web pages to evaluate their Page Quality. So, the purpose of this page is to give investment advices to beginners. So, you should mark this question as no.

  • How To Become An Online Map Quality Analyst At Lionbridge

    In our example, when we examine the web page, we can easily notice that the website is the content creator and responsible for the Main content on the landing page. So, you need to be careful about the Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness of this website. The first quality aspect we need to evaluate is the main content quality and amount. In our example, as the web page shows investment advices, the Main content of the landing page should be quite descriptive and accurate. Because investment advices can affect your future financial stability. However when we examine the Main content of the page, we only see questionable short advices.

  • Rate This Article

    In our example, if you look at the about page of the website , you can only find unsatisfying amount of information about the website and the creator of the MC. The third quality aspect is about the reputation of the website. So, you should mark the Polarized or mixed reputation checkbox. Therefore the EAT level of the this page should be marked as Low. So that, the overall page quality rating of this page should be Low. In this part, you need to rate 7 different tasks and each task consists of 8 to 10 result blocks so you will have approximately 60 result blocks to evaluate. First of all, you should understand and determine the user intent. The user wants to learn what Mammon is. As you may guess, only a SCRB, a special content result block that shows comprehensive and accurate information can get a FullyMeets rating for this particular query. So, for any other result except that, Highly Meets rating can be the Highest rating.

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    The first result is; When we open the landing page, it shows a brief information showing the meaning of Mammon. So, the Main Content of the page is good or rich enough to get HighlyMeets rating. Some users may be looking for deeper information about the topic. But also it doesn't carry any of the low Needsmet characteristics. This page can be helpful and satisfying for many users.

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    Therefore, you should assign Highlymeets rating to this result. Then, consider the possible rating range that the relevant result can get.

  • What The Lionbridge Exam Is Really Like

    On the search quality rating guidelines for its web search service, Google calls them search quality raters. This is the same terminology used by the SEO community to refer to these raters, sometimes called Google raters. Another term that is sometimes used, but has been losing popularity, is web search evaluator. Search Engine Evaluation Tasks Besides rating the quality of webpages and relevance of search results, there are hundreds of other different types of tasks that can be performed by search evaluators, such as: rate the helpfulness of autocompletion, related searches and other Google suggestions evaluate if an automated voice sounds natural or not give an opinion on which set of search results is more relevant classify topics that represent the content of a web page classify search queries by different types of predefined search intents evaluate whether a business belongs to a certain category etc.

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    What results would be relevant to show users for this query? How does the relevance of each result compare to each other? These are the questions that search engine evaluators help to answer. Rating Process The first step in the rating process is to understand the query. Considering the likelihood of possible search intents for the given query, the rater needs to assign a relevance rating for each result that is presented to them on the rating tool.

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    A result can be a web page or a Special Content Result Block i. What about results 4 and 5? To assign a relevance rating, the rater needs to consider how well the result possibly meets the needs of the user. For that, they use a scale with 9 different rating levels and must adhere to the instructions provided on the rating guidelines. Rating Guidelines For each type of task, there are always instructions or guidelines that must be followed. These can be a few paragraphs of text printed directly on the task screen, or lengthy PDF documents with over pages.

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    These instructions are usually confidential. Today, Google even encourages SEOs and website owners to read the rater guidelines so that they can have a better understanding of what great content should look like. In the US, it also varies by state. Considering an average task availability of about 20 hours per week, raters on search evaluation projects can expect to earn between around USD and USD per month in these countries. Payment Method Search engine evaluators earn by the hour and are paid on a monthly basis, no matter their locale or position type.


    At Appen, payment is done through Payoneer, which is also available as a payment method for some independent contractors at Lionbridge. Lionbridge also pays via PayPal or direct deposit. Application Process The search evaluation program is outsourced by Google and Bing to a handful of companies who contract with evaluators and are responsible for managing them. Currently, the two most popular ones are Appen and Lionbridge. To go directly to the application page, click here. There may be other search evaluation projects as well as new ones are added to the list on an ongoing basis.

  • Lionbridge Test/exam! - WAHM Forums -

    This may be due to the projects being full in your country, so make sure to regularly check the project page for when new vacancies become available. For more information on how to work from home with Appen, make sure to read this post. The title of the job may slightly vary or change from time to time. If your profile matches the requirements for the job, these companies will get back to you. Please note that this process can take weeks or even months as it will depend on the number of vacancies that they have available in your country.

  • Lionbridge AI | Anytime, Anywhere

    Search Engine Evaluator Exam The search engine evaluator exam will vary depending on the project for which you are applying. The first part of the exam will test your theoretical understanding of the guidelines, with 32 multiple-choice questions. For that reason, this is considered the easiest of the three tests by most candidates. The second and third parts consist of practical questions. In the second test, you will be requested to rate the quality of webpages, while in the third test, you will have to assign relevance ratings for search results. The relevance rating of a search result is always determined in relation to a search query, which will be provided in the task. The third part of the qualification exam is where most candidates fail. Firstly, because doing so would be unethical. Most importantly, cheating on the exam would likely result in you leaving the project only a few weeks or months after receiving an offer.

  • Lionbridge Rater - Internet Assessor Exam | LearnAction

    The performance of newly hired evaluators is closely monitored by the quality team of the search engine evaluator companies. Part 1 The General Guidelines Training course has a section titled Quality Theoretical Content Training, which can be useful to help you prepare for questions that involve Quality in part 1 of the exam. However, please note that the focus of that course is not to help with part 1. The best approach for nailing this test is to take your time and carefully consult the guidelines while answering the questions. Part 2 To prepare for part 2, there is a section in the General Guidelines Training course called Quality Training, which is composed of quizzes from the theoretical content and rating examples on Quality.

  • Lion Bridge Rater Exam—Tips?? : WorkOnline

    All quizzes were created from the content and examples taken directly from the guidelines, so if you are looking for examples other than those provided in that document, then this course may not be a good fit. Part 3 To prepare for part 3, there is a section in the General Guidelines Training course called Needs Met Training, which is composed of quizzes from rating examples on Needs Met taken directly from the guidelines. If you want to prepare for these projects, make sure to read their guidelines slowly and thoroughly, ideally twice before taking the exam. For more information about these other types of search evaluator exams, please refer to the following pages: For maps projects.


    Share The first part is a theoretical open-book test. Lionbridge embraces equal employment opportunity and a diverse workforce, making hiring and employment decisions based on individual merits and talent without regard to any protected status. Your email address will not be published. The goal is to help improve the algorithms responsible for displaying ads by Google. Once you complete the evaluation, the results are usually declared within forty-eight business hours after your deadline to complete the evaluation has passed not forty-eight hours after you submit the evaluation. The exam I took was rather subjective and many people have had similar complaints. All Rights Reserved. How long does the Lionbridge exam take? Lionbridge Ad assessor exam.

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    Basically what you are doing is collecting data to help train the algorithms that will eventually assess the ads being shown on their own. Ads Assessor Exam. Many psychiatrists will not prescribe these because of the risks. So all the information provided below will work as your guideline on the both the exams. Sometimes they were never made visible by Google in any form. In looking for work at home opportunities, you may have come across Lionbridge in your Internet search travels. Lionbridge requires you to take an extremely long and tedious exam for qualification. I worked for Lionbridge for over six months as an Ads Assessor. November 17, After you get … Give yourself enough time to digest. After days of receiving mail, 1 week exam duration starts. They do give you a second chance to re-test if you do not pass the exam the first time. Ads assessors rate the quality and relevance attributes of the ad in relation to a particular search query or web page that is provided in the task.

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