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Net operating income of an investment center, plus the required return on the average opearting assets. Contribution income statements are used to measure the performance of: a. Cost centers. Both cost centers and profit centers. Both cost centers...
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Average Operating Assets. Use the following information to answer question 5: Following is the information relating to Kew Co.
Chapter 12-13 Vocab
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Chapter 12 Quiz
Analyze each numbered transaction in the T accounts. Write the answers for the following problem in the Working Papers. Instructions: 1. Write the titles of accounts affected in Column. Define accounting terms related to starting a service business organized as a proprietorship and to changes that affect the accounting equation. Chapter 21 Accounting for Plant Assets and Depreciation. In the Explore Accounting feature, you learned about accounting for leases. A lease that is accounted for as a rental is known as an operating lease. A lease that is accounted for as a purchase of an asset is known as a capital lease. Print the letter identifying your choice in the Answers. Input from educators, accounting professionals, content experts, and high school accounting students has informed the tenth edition s new critical-thinking activities, real-world applications, updated accounting instruction, and enhanced.
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Chapter 12—Partnerships CHAPTER OVERVIEW
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Chapter 12: The Role Of Accounting In Business
Application filtering can permit or deny access based on port number. What is the purpose of the network security authentication function? Authentication requires users to prove who they are. Authorization determines which resources the user can access. Accounting keeps track of the actions of the user. A network administrator is issuing the login block-for attempts 2 within 30 command on a router. Which threat is the network administrator trying to prevent? A device inspecting the traffic on a link has nothing to do with the router.
Accounting Chapter 12 Test B Answers
The router configuration cannot prevent unauthorized access to the equipment room. A worm would not attempt to access the router to propagate to another part of the network. Which two steps are required before SSH can be enabled on a Cisco router? Choose two. Give the router a host name and domain name. Create a banner that will be displayed to users when they connect. Generate a set of secret keys to be used for encryption and decryption. Set up an authentication server to handle incoming connection requests. Enable SSH on the physical interfaces where the incoming connection requests will be received. First, set the host name and domain name.,-PA
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Second, generate a set of RSA keys to be used for encrypting and decrypting the traffic. Third, create the user IDs and passwords of the users who will be connecting. Lastly, enable SSH on the vty lines on the router. SSH does not need to be set up on any physical interfaces, nor does an external authentication server need to be used. While it is a good idea to configure a banner to display legal information for connecting users, it is not required to enable SSH. Refer to the exhibit. What does this indicate to the network administrator? Connectivity between H1 and H3 is fine. H3 is not connected properly to the network. Something is causing interference between H1 and R1. Performance between the networks is within expected parameters. Something is causing a time delay between the networks. Explain: Ping round trip time statistics are shown in milliseconds. The larger the number the more delay.
Chapter 12 Accounting Study Guide
A baseline is critical in times of slow performance. By looking at the documentation for the performance when the network is performing fine and comparing it to information when there is a problem, a network administrator can resolve problems faster. When should an administrator establish a network baseline? This allows the administrator to take note when any deviance from the established norm occurs in the network. An administrator is trying to troubleshoot connectivity between PC1 and PC2 and uses the tracert command from PC1 to do it. Based on the displayed output, where should the administrator begin troubleshooting?
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Federal Insurance Contributions Act Prepayments by customers should be reported as a current liability entitled Unearned Revenue. Travel advances to employees is a current asset. The principal portion of a mortgage note which will be paid within not beyond! Accumulated depreciation is a contra asset. To be recorded in the accounts, a contingent liability should be both probable and subject to reasonable estimation. Discount on Notes Payable is subtracted from the related Notes Payable, and is therefore a contra liability. The error would cause an expense to be overstated via the extra debit , as well as overstating the related payable via the extra credit. Therefore, income would be understated and liabilities would be overstated. At the time warranty service is performed, the previously recorded liability should be reduced by the amount of the expenditure. The expense should have already been recorded in an earlier period. The W-4 is the withholding allowance certificate prepared at the time an employee is hired.
Chapter 12 Quiz -
Both the employee and the employer must pay equal amounts of the FICA tax. The tax is levied on income only up to a base amount.
Quiz 12: Accounting For Partnerships And Limited Liability Companies
Start studying Chapter 12 Accounting Chapter Test. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Created by. Terms for Chapter 12 Accounting. Terms in this set 24 Wage. The amount paid to an employee for every hour worked. A fixed annual sum of money divided among equal pay periods. A method of paying an employee based on the amount of sales the employee generates. None of the given answers are correct. A partnership is a voluntary association of two or more individuals based on as simple an act as a handshake.
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Preferably, however, the agreement should be in writing. A partnership is both a legal entity and an accounting entity, but it is not a Net income does appear on the income statement—it is the result of subtracting expenses from revenues. What is the basic financial equation for businesses? Prepare a list of each type of income and expense that will be a part of the budget. Chapter 12 Accounting Multiple Choice Test.
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In its most basic form, the earnings per share ratio is calculated as a. Use the following information to answer the next two questions. During the year the average number of common shares outstanding was 3 million. There were , shares of preferred stock outstanding on average and no dividends were declared. The EPS is approximately: a. The return on equity ratio is calculated as: a.
Final Exam Review Chapter 12-13 In Its Most Basic Form, The
All else equal, when companies make stock repurchases a. Which of the following would be included in the calculation of net cash flows from operating activities? Cash proceeds from sales b. Cash received from an issuance of bonds c. Dividends paid to stockholders d. Cash used to purchases of equipment 7. Which of the following would be included in the calculation of net cash flows from investing activities? Cash used to purchases of equipment 8. Which of the following would be included in the calculation of net cash flows from financing activities a. Cash used to purchases of equipment 9. A change in a company's cash account is equal to the: a.
Accounting - Chapter 12 | Other Quiz - Quizizz
When the indirect method is used, if prepaid expenses fall during the accounting period, the change in prepaid expenses is: a. Added to the change in the cash c. Added to net income account d. Subtracted from the change in the cash b. Subtracted from net income account The supplies account falls and accounts payable rises during an accounting period. When the indirect method is used, what does the company do with the changes in these accounts to calculate net cash flows from operating activities? Both are added to net income b. The change in accounts payable is added to net income; the change in supplies is subtracted.
Test Bank With Answers Of Accounting Information System By Turner Chapter 12
Both are subtracted from net income. The change in supplies is added to net income; the change in accounts payable is subtracted. The company would report a net cash inflow from operating activities of: a. Almost all U. Inventory rises and accounts payable rises during the accounting period. When the direct method is used to determine the net cash flow from operating activities, how would these changes affect cash flow calculations? The changes in each account are both added to net income b. The change in inventory is subtracted from cost of goods sold and the change in accounts payable is added to cost of goods sold to find the cash paid to suppliers. The changes in each account are both subtracted from net income. The change in inventory is added to cost of goods sold and the change in accounts payable is subtracted from cost of goods sold to find the cash paid to suppliers. When a company uses the direct method to determine the net cash flow from operating activities, cash flows from operating activities will: a.
Century 21 Accounting Chapter 12 Test B Answers
When the direct method is used to determine the net cash flow from operating activities, the following adjustments must be made to income tax expense to determine total income tax payments: a. Your company would record: a. Cash transactions relating to the purchase and sale of which types of assets affect a company's cash flows from investing activities? All of a company's assets. All of a company's assets except inventory. Only property, plant and equipment. Which of the following represent cash inflows from financing activities? Issuing stock in exchange for another company's shares b. Paying a bond's face value at maturity c.
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Issuing long-term bonds at a discount. Receiving interest on promissory notes The net cash flow from financing activities is: a. Company X has a capital acquisitions ratio of 1. Which of the following could be true? If Company X and Y are in different industries, these ratios may reflect the different production needs of the industry. The ratio cannot really be compared across industries. Company Y may be more efficient at managing cash flows. Company Y may be lagging in adopting new technology which could hurt future sales. All of the above If net cash flow from operating activities is unchanged, but net income is rising, the quality of income ratio is: a. Oberlin Co. As a consequence, its year over year percentage change in sales is: a. The following information comes from the balance sheet and income statement of the Rocket Co. What is the current ratio as of December 31, 2xx9? Net profit margin b. Inventory turnover d.
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Times interest earned d. Debt to assets Which ratio is not a test of profitability a. Gross profit margin c. Earnings per share b. Fixed asset turnover d. Current ratio If a company increases the selling price of the product it sells and all other data on the financial statements remains the same, which of the following ratios will be unaffected? Fixed asset turnover c. Inventory turnover b.
Financial Accounting 1
Partners are taxed on their drawings regardless of their share of the income. False 5. If a partnership agreement is silent Approximatley how far ahead would one need to plan for the following types of facilities? Restaurant-At least one to three nights in advance. Hospital-I would say at least a week if not a month to be enough to take care of all the patients they might get. Oil refinery-An oil refinery I would Explain the following terms: DEC, 1. Direct Cost 2. Indirect Cost 3. Cost Object 4. Cost Driver 5. Cost Allocation 6. Cost Sheet 7. Semi variable cost 2. Write a detailed note on Target Costing. DEC, 3. Write a note on methods of absorption of overheads. DEC, 4. Write a note on classification of overheads. DEC, 5. Write short notes on the following: i. Product Costs ii. Period costs iii. Out of pocket cost When the premium offer expires. Over the life cycle of the product to which the premium relates. When the premiums are claimed.
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The accounting concept that requires recognition of a liability for customer premium offers is: A. Historical cost. The matching principle. Accounting for cost of incentive programs for frequent customer purchases involves: A. Recording an expense and a liability each period. Recording a liability and a In the accounting cycle, the last step is Student Response Feedback A. During the end-of-period processing which of the following best describes the logical order of this process Student Response Feedback A. Preparation of adjustments, adjusted trial Recommend whether Jane should receive a best-shot, competitive, or low-ball offer, and why. I would recommend that the best-shot offer is given to Jane.
Publication 538 (01/2021), Accounting Periods And Methods
This is the best chance we would have to securing Jane for the position. She already advised that she was up for a promotion at her current job and offering her less than the best may make her decide to stay and wait for the promotion. Pastoral societies supported far smaller populations. Pastoral societies generally lived in small and widely scattered encampments of related kinfolk. Pastoral societies generally offered women a higher status, fewer restrictions, and a greater role in public life. Pastoral societies were far more mobile. What are the six steps that you can use to solve any computer problem? Blue screen errors happen when which type of processes encounter an error?
Cengage Chapter 11
When processes running in Kernel mode encounter a problem and Windows must stop the system. In what She was no longer the vivid confident woman but rather a pale nervous creature who could almost have been a stranger. She had lost weight and her eyes darted about the bar. She was disappearing into terrible nostalgia describes Erica not being able to let go of Chris whom as dominated her approach to personal relationships remaining largely unrequited as she is not able to move forward.
Accounting Information Systems Gelinas Chapter 12
America on the other hand was giving Although still a distant No. Organic jams and jellies are important to marketers because they appeal to health-conscious consumers
Mr. Brainerd - Chapter The Role Of Accounting In Business
Updated over 4 years ago Chapter The Byzantine Empire. Updated over 4 years ago Powered by Cengage Learning Cengage Australia is the leading provider of learning solutions for the schools and higher education markets of Australia and New Zealand. This site uses cookies We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied, or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in Chapter 11 Nov 05, Ryuusei no Rockman.
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