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Neeraj Singhal of Bhushan Steels Q. Fill in the blanks. Escorts Group, Rajan Nanda Q. Paul Getty , at that time the richest man in the world , what device did he instal in his office so that the visitors did not use his phone to make free calls? A...
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Cosmos Bank Q. Ahmedabad and Hyderabad are No 1 and No 2 in terms of the number of vanishing companies as per the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. What is a vanishing company? Vanishing companies are those companies that have raised money through an...
Florida Business And Finance Exam FAQ
Hero cycles gifted Anupriya a new cycle, with a promise to give her a new cycle every year Q. IIM Ahmedabad Q. Approx what is the extent of devaluation has the Venezuelan govt done to its currency as it moves from Strong Bolivars to Sovereign Bolivars? The official rate for the currency will go from about , per dollar to 6 million a dollar Q. In many countries, particularly UK, start ups and small businesses are coming up dealing with ugly and wonky fruits and vegetables. Why has this come up and what problem are they addressing? As supermarkets only accept properly shaped fruits and vegetables, those fruits and vegetables which are otherwise good but are ugly , get rejected.
Financial Management Section 1
These rejects are now being sold separately. This is addressing the problem of food waste. Chicago Q. Which tech entrepreneur is behind Seattle based Stratolaunch Systems that promises to make satellite launching as easy as buying an air ticket? Paul allen Q. Which city has been rated 1 as the most liveable city in the world? Vienna Q. Which country has imposed a social media tax of shillings per day on users for using Facebook, WhatsApp etc? Uganda Q. Lover of cheese c. Lover of case studies d. Lover of cats Ans. Lover of cheese Q. Which coffee chain has come up with a recipe containing turmeric, cinnamon etc inspired by Ayurveda and named it Golden Latte?
Business, Technology And Finance Module Study Resources
Dabur Who was the founder of Dabur India Ltd.? Burman Babool Tooth paste is introduced by which company? Sansui What was name of the series of mobile showrooms set by Reliance Communications? James Macgregor Burns Citibank co-brands cards for which oil company? Singapore Business Quiz Questions And Answers Sony has announced digital imaging, gaming and mobile phones as their core products. What product is conspicuously absent? It is the best selling PC of all time. Name it. Name the co. What is the full form of TNT? Dualists drink both regular and diet at diff times.
Finance (MCQ) Questions And Answers - MBA
Simply juices Most logos carry one icon, but which co logo has as many as 25 icons with symbols such as sun, DNA, bee, flower and heart? Google Play Name this Kraft brand that celebrates its th anniversary. Oreo Who has acquired the online photo sharing site Kodakgallery from Kodak? Shutterfly Which model of car Hyundai will be launched with a Wes Anderson commercial to coincide with the academy awards ceremony?
Finance Manager Interview Questions
Hyundai Azera Why are the logo and interface of Facebook in blue colour? Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colour blind. Ikea Which is the worlds largest direct selling company? Clue not Amway Ans. Avon Which is the world largest natural gas company? Gazprom Name this heritage brand of cod liver oil from Merck. Seven seas If Ericsson is the technology leader in mobile phone networks who is considered the cost leader?
Business Finance MCQs
Q: What is a deferred tax asset and why might one be created? Finance interview best practices Before we get to accounting questions, here are some interview best practices to keep in mind when getting ready for the big day. Be prepared for technical questions. Keep each of your answers limited to 2 minutes. Longer answers may lose an interviewer, while giving them additional ammunition to go after you with more complicated question on the same topic. This will be followed by uncomfortable silence. And no job offer. Below we have selected most common accounting questions you should expect to see during the recruiting process. A: Capital expenditures are capitalized because of the timing of their estimated benefits — the lemonade stand will benefit the firm for many years. This is what differentiates an asset from an expense. Q: Walk me through a cash flow statement.
Business Finance Interview Questions & Answers
Start with net income, go line by line through major adjustments depreciation, changes in working capital and deferred taxes to arrive at cash flows from operating activities. Adding cash flows from operations, cash flows from investments, and cash flows from financing gets you to total change of cash. Beginning-of-period cash balance plus change in cash allows you to arrive at end-of-period cash balance. Q: What is working capital? A: Working capital is defined as current assets minus current liabilities; it tells the financial statement user how much cash is tied up in the business through items such as receivables and inventories and also how much cash is going to be needed to pay off short term obligations in the next 12 months.
Business Finance Exam
Q: Is it possible for a company to show positive cash flows but be in grave trouble? A: Absolutely. Two examples involve unsustainable improvements in working capital a company is selling off inventory and delaying payables , and another example involves lack of revenues going forward in the pipeline. Q: How is it possible for a company to show positive net income but go bankrupt? A: Two examples include deterioration of working capital i. Q: I buy a piece of equipment, walk me through the impact on the 3 financial statements. Q: Why are increases in accounts receivable a cash reduction on the cash flow statement? A: Since our cash flow statement starts with net income, an increase in accounts receivable is an adjustment to net income to reflect the fact that the company never actually received those funds.
Business Finance Exam 1 Chapters 1-4
Q: How is the income statement linked to the balance sheet? A: Net income flows into retained earnings. Q: What is goodwill? A: Goodwill is an asset that captures excess of the purchase price over fair market value of an acquired business. It arises because when a company actually pays less in taxes to the IRS than they show as an expense on their income statement in a reporting period. Differences in depreciation expense between book reporting GAAP and IRS reporting can lead to differences in income between the two, which ultimately leads to differences in tax expense reported in the financial statements and taxes payable to the IRS.
IIBF (BC/BF) Mock Test 2021 Model Exam Question Papers PDF
A: Deferred tax asset arises when a company actually pays more in taxes to the IRS than they show as an expense on their income statement in a reporting period. Differences in revenue recognition, expense recognition such as warranty expense , and net operating losses NOLs can create deferred tax assets. I hope you enjoyed this article and found these finance interview questions hepful. Please feel free to add any comments or recommendations in the comments section below. Good luck in your interview!
International Finance 4 Questions
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Finance Interview Questions (and Answers)
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37 Corporate Finance Interview Questions And Answers
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Past Exam Library | ACCA Global
Outline Outline questions are usually worth two marks in an exam. Outline questions require slightly more detailed answers than state or define questions. An outline question usually requires a point and an example in order to access all the available marks. Outline questions are often linked to a case study or business example. Where this is the case, it is essential that the response is linked to the case study to access all the available marks. You can include the business name in your answer, but to gain full marks you need to use information that specifically relates to the business example or industry provided in the case study. Reveal answer up down More people would be interested in purchasing bikes and other cycling equipment, such as helmets and bike pumps. Reveal answer up down The hair salon could use promotion, such as radio advertisements, to help raise awareness of the haircuts and hair products offered and persuade potential customers to book appointments.
Finance Interview Questions (and Answers) - Wall Street Prep
Question Outline one impact of changing levels of consumer income on Budget Savers supermarket. Reveal answer up down If consumer incomes increase, this could result in lower sales for Budget Savers supermarket as customers may do their food and grocery shopping at more premium supermarkets.
Business Finance Question Papers -
Part 1 — Corporate Finance Interview Questions Basic This first part covers basic corporate finance interview questions and answers. The objective of Financial Statements is to provide financial information about the reporting entity that is useful to exist and potential investors, creditors, and lenders in making decisions about whether to invest, give credit or not.
SAP FI Certification Sample Questions And Answers Set - 1
There are mainly three types of financial statements which a company prepares. Income Statement — Income Statement tells us about the performance of the company over a specific account period. Financial performance is given in terms of revenue and expense generated through operating and non-operating activities. Balance Sheet — Balance Sheet tells us about the position of the company at a specific point in time. Cash Flow Statement tells us how the cash present in the balance sheet changed from last year to the current year. Cash Flow Statement is an important financial statement that tells us about the cash inflow and cash outflow from the company.
Cash Flow can be prepared by the Direct method and Indirect method. Generally, the company uses the Direct method for preparing the Cash Flow Statement as seen in the annual report of the company. The direct method starts with cash collected from customers adding interests and dividends and then deducting cash paid to suppliers, interest paid, income tax paid. The indirect method starts from net income and then we add back all the non-cash charges which are depreciation and amortization expense, we also add working capital changes. Cash Flow from Financing consists of cash inflows and outflows generated from all the financing activities of the company like issuance of Bonds or early retirement of Debt. Let us move to the next Corporate Finance interview question. Short-term financing is done by the company to fulfill its current cash needs. Short-term sources of finance are required to be repaid within 12 months from the financing date.
What Are Two Examples Of Fixed Costs In Business Finance? (Choose Two.)
Trade Credit is an agreement between a buyer and a seller of goods. In this case, the buyer of the goods purchases the goods on a credit i. In this case, an individual or a business entity can withdraw cash more than what is present in the account. Interest is charged on the amount of over-draft which is withdrawn as a credit from the bank. Unsecured Bank Loan is a type of credit that banks are ready to give and is payable within 12 months. The reason why it is called an unsecured bank loan is that no collateral is required by the individual or a business entity taking this loan. Working capital tells us about the amount of capital tied up to its business daily activities such as account receivables , payables, inventory in hand and many more. The purchase of Assets is a transaction done by the company which will impact all the three statements of the company. Hence, the balance sheet of the company will be tallied.
Sample MBA Degree Test Questions - International MBA Institute
In Income Statement, there will be no impact on the first year of income statement but after the first year, the company will have to charge depreciation expense on the purchased equipment which the company will have to show it in the Income Statement of the company. Cash Flow Statement, assuming that only cash has been paid by the company to purchase the equipment. Basic EPS : It is useful for companies that have a simple capital structure. In other words, it can be used to calculate earnings of the company which has no convertible securities outstanding like convertible bonds or convertible preference shares. Dilutive EPS: It has a dilutive characteristic attached to it. Anti-Dilutive EPS: This is the kind of EPS in which the convertible securities after conversion, increases the earnings for the common shareholders of the company. A futures contract is a standardized contract which means that the buyer or seller of the contract can buy or sell in lot sizes that are already specified by the exchange and is traded through exchanges.
ACCA Past Papers – ACCA Past Exams – Questions And Answers
Future markets have clearinghouses that manage the market and therefore, there is no counterparty risk. Forwards Contract is a customizable contract which means that the buyer or seller can buy or sell any amount of contract they wish to. These contracts are OTC over the counter contracts i. These contracts do not have a clearinghouse and therefore, the buyer or the seller of the contract is exposed to the counterparty risk.
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Also, do check this detailed article on Forwards vs Futures 9 — What are the different types of Bonds? A bond is a fixed-income security that has a coupon payment attached to it which is paid by the bond issuer annually or as per the conditions set at the time of issuance. These are the types of bonds: Corporate Bond , which is issued by the corporations. Sovereign National Bond is a bond issued by the government of the country. A bond that is repaid by the issuing entity by the cash flows which come from the asset set as collateral for the bond issued is known as securitized Bond. We can understand by the example: A bank sells its house loans to a Special Purpose Entity and then that entity issues the bonds which are repaid by the cash flows generated by those house loans, in this case, it is the EMI payments made by the house owners.
Top Finance Interview Questions And Sample Answers
Deferred Tax Liability is a form of tax expense that was not paid to the income tax authorities in the previous years but is expected to be paid in future years. This is because of the reason that the company pays less in taxes to the income tax authorities than what is reported as payable. For example, if a company uses a straight-line method for charging depreciation in its income statement for shareholders but it uses a double-declining method in the statements which are reported to income tax authorities and therefore, the company reports a Deferred Tax Liability as the paid less than what was payable. First of all, financial modeling is a quantitative analysis that is used to make a decision or a forecast about a project generally in the asset pricing model or corporate finance.
Self Test Multiple Choice Questions
Different hypothetical variables are used in a formula to ascertain what future holds for a particular industry or for a particular project. These forecasts are in turn used for company valuations and financial analysis. With respect to Investment Banking , you can talk about the Financial Models that you have prepared. You may refer to these Financial Modeling Templates. There are few common multiples which are frequently used in valuation —.
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Sole proprietorship A business owned by a single individual, unlimited liability General partnership A partnership in which all partners are fully liable for the indebtedness incurred by the partnership. Limited partnership A partnership in which one or more of the partners has limited liability, restricted to the amount of capital he or she invests in the partnership. Corporation An entity that legally functions separate and apart from its owners. S-type corporation A corporation that, because of specific qualifications, is taxed as though it were a partnership.
Corporate Finance Interview Questions (with Answers)
Limited liability company LLC A cross between a partnership and a corporation under which the owners retain limited liability but the company is run and is taxed like a partnership. Gross profit Sales or revenue minus the cost of goods sold. Operating income earnings before interest and taxes Sales minus cost of goods sold minus operating expenses. Taxable income gross profit from all sources, except for allowable exclusions, less than tax-deductible expenses.
ACCA FM (F9) Past Papers - E3. Sources Of Finance And Their Relative Costs | ACOWtancy Exam Centre
Capital gain Gains from selling any asset that is not part of the ordinary operation. Public offering A security offering where all investors have the opportunity to acquire a portion of the financial claims being sold. Private placement A security offering limited to a small number of potential investors. Venture capital An investment firm or individual investor that provides money to business start-ups. Primary market A market in which securities are offered for the first time for sale to potential investors. Initial public offering IPO The first time a company issues its stock to the public.
Practice Exam Questions | Reference Library | Business | Tutor2u
Seasoned equity offering SEO The sale of additional stock by a company whose shares are already publicly traded. Money market All institutions and procedures that facilitate transactions for short-term instruments issued by borrowers is unable to repay the loan. Capital market All institutions and procedures that facilitate transactions for long-term instruments. Organized security exchange Formal organizations that facilitate the trading of securities.
Business Finance Exam Questions And Answers Pdf
Over-the-counter markets All security markets except organized exchanges. The money market is an over-the-counter market. Most corporate bonds also are traded in OTC market. NASDAQ Electronic stock exchange, a computerized system that provides price quotes on over-the-counter stocks and also facilitates trades by matching up buyers and sellers. Investment banker A financial specialist who underwrites and distributes new securities and advises corporate clients about raising new funds.
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