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There are more members in a phylum than a family. Members of a genus are more similar than members of a family. There are fewest members in the group order. The least similar members belong to the kingdom. Members of a family share characteristics...
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To make matters worse, many of the new strains of this bacteria are resistant to most conventional drugs. Speculate about why new strains are showing increased resistance to drugs. Explain your reasoning — give at least 2 reasons. Paramecium...
Biodiversity Test Questions
Plants, Animals b Nuclei. Protoctista, Fungi, Plants, Animals. Plants, some Protoctista. Page 1. Snails and earthworms are primary consumers but earthworms may play a part as decomposers. They are both eaten by secondary consumers, e. Withdrawal into their burrows and retraction into their shells protects earthworms and snails from predators and desiccation. At low temperatures the chemical reactions in cells slow down and this affects the whole animal and particularly movement. Birds, mammals. Amphibia, Reptiles, Mammals. Fish, Amphibia, Reptiles, Birds. Reptiles, Birds, Mammals. This is an unfair question. The text does not give criteria for all the groups listed on p. Page Left hand column 1. Animal, arthropod, insect.
7.3 Biodiversity & The Effect Of Human Interaction On Ecosystems
Animal, vertebrate, bird. Animal, vertebrate, mammal, carnivore. Animal, vertebrate, mammal, primate. Pine tree. Plant, vascular plant, conifer. Plant, vascular plant, flowering plant dicotyledon. Plant, bryophyte, moss. Although both plants are in the same genus Lamium , they are different species album and purpureum so you would not expect them to cross-pollinate successfully. Bracken propagates vegetatively by means of underground rhizomes p. They are so called because they have well developed vascular systems consisting of xylem and phloem pp Page Right hand column 1. Flagella or cilia present … 2 No flagella or cilia …… … Amoeba 2 Flagella present ………… 3.
Topic: Biodiversity And Conservation (Test 1)
All topics Main topic: Biodiversity What is biodiversity exactly? The richness of functions and interdependencies in the relationships of species within ecosystems is also a factor. The actual number of species is therefore only one facet of biodiversity. Does species diversity follow any patterns? The diversity of species is lowest at the poles and increases toward the equator, with the deserts being obvious exceptions. The areas with the greatest diversity of plant life are the tropical Andes and southeastern Asia. The Amazon basin, Madagascar and parts of southern and central Africa also compare favorably. Roughly the same holds true for animal life. A single hectare is home to , insect species. By comparison, only around 30 tree species are native to the United Kingdom.
10 Questions On Diversity And How To Answer
In Amazonas state in Brazil, 95 different species of ants have been counted on a single tree — the numbers are truly mind-boggling. Again, only around 50 species of ants can be found throughout the UK. How is biodiversity measured? Biodiversity is determined by counting the number of species occurring in a given unit of area. The greater the species diversity within an area, the higher the biodiversity, which can be calculated using various methods, such as diversity indices.
The Importance Of The Variety Of The Species Of Life On Earth
How many species are there on the planet? Around 1. The critically endangered Cuban crocodile, for example, can only be found in two small habitats in Cuba. The vaquita, a small porpoise endemic to the northern Gulf of California, is also extremely rare — as of , less than individuals remained. A relative of the vaquita, the baiji or Yangtze River dolphin, has not been sighted since and is presumed extinct.
Module 4 – Biodiversity, Evolution & Disease
Among primates, the orangutan is, of course, the poster child for endangered species. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN , deforestation and the spread of oil palm plantations in Indonesia are the biggest threats to the survival of great apes. The white-headed langur is one of the rarest primates in the world.
Biodiversity Question And Answer
Only 59 individuals remain — all on a single island in Vietnam. The Yangtze giant softshell turtle is found only in China and Vietnam. How many species go extinct every day? Many species will have become extinct due to human encroachment on their habitats long before we have discovered the true wealth of biodiversity we are destroying. The United Nations declared to be the International Year of Biodiversity to celebrate life on earth and underscore its precious nature. The sea cows were hunted to extinction by our ancestors in — only 27 years after they were discovered by Europeans. The list is by no means complete, however. Why are so many species disappearing? The relentless changes to the environment and habitat destruction by humans are by far the most important factors driving the current mass extinction.
Comprehensive Exam Study Questions
The oceans are also affected by overfishing, pollution, rising temperatures and acidification due to increasing CO2 levels. What is a biodiversity hotspot? Hotspots are regions characterized by numerous endemic plant and animal species living in a particularly vulnerable environment. In the year , scientists writing in the journal Nature identified 25 biodiversity hotspots that cover only about 1. All of these hotspots are endangered by factors such as timber harvesting and slash-and-burn clearing driven by strong demand for tropical timber, the expansion of the mining industry and the cultivation of crops such as oil palms, sugar cane and soy. A further major issue is the dramatic rise of organized, commercial poaching. What are endemic species? Among primates, examples include all of the lemur species that can only be found on the island of Madagascar.
GK Questions And Answers On The Biodiversity And Legislation
Found only in Papua New Guinea, It is the largest butterfly in the world, with a wingspan of 28 cm. Its caterpillars rely on a single plant species for food — one that is seriously threatened by the destruction of the rainforests. Where are biodiversity hotspots located? Most hotspots are in the tropics, as can be seen on the map drawn up by N. They also exist in temperate regions such as the U. Researchers have not yet fully established the reasons behind the extremely high biodiversity of rainforests. However, factors such as the lack of nutrients in the soil, year-round high solar radiation and precipitation play an important role.
4.6 Biodiversity
Diversity thus always arises in interaction with environmental conditions. Why is biodiversity so important and worthy of protection? Research has shown that biodiversity is a crucial factor for the properties and performance of ecosystems. Their stability depends in part on the complex interactions of their inhabitants. Massive human interference decimates individual species or drives them to extinction, while other existing species experience explosive growth, and yet others invade or are introduced by humans. This alters the nature of ecosystems or destroys them outright and impacts ecosystem services such as the provision of food and clean water. What is being done to preserve biodiversity and its hotspots? The signatories to the convention commit to the protection of biodiversity, its sustainable use and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of resources.
Top 100+ Biodiversity Questions And Answers Pdf - 2
This involves major conflicts of interest, however. Their excessive hunger for commodities and energy are the primary cause of global environmental degradation. In any case, continuous economic growth and increasing resource consumption are not compatible with conserving nature. Furthermore, the convention does not provide for any way to enforce sanctions if environmental standards are not observed. A neutral body without vested interests to monitor compliance with regulations and objectives and impose tough sanctions in case of violations would certainly be helpful. What was the Hyderabad Conference on Biological Diversity all about? The United Nations regularly holds biodiversity conferences in various locations around the world. The topic of placing a monetary value on nature as the basis of life was on the agenda in India in One of the key issues in India was funding for biodiversity conservation. No less important, however, is consistent action to implement the resolutions and impose sanctions for non-compliance.
7 Questions On Biodiversity
How much will rescuing biodiversity cost? So far, however, the plan only exists on paper. It has a long way to go to achieve recognition under international law and thus become an enforceable instrument. Money alone will not save biodiversity, however. The only way to preserve ecosystems is to reduce our worldwide consumption significantly. This especially holds true for the inhabitants of the industrialized countries and the rich upper classes, since most people in the global South live in comparative poverty and thus have a minimal environmental footprint. The content — i. Compliance with the convention is not enforced, and there are no consequences for countries that fall short in meeting their goals.
Test Your Biodiversity Knowledge! Trivia Quiz
Problems are thus continually being pushed further down the road without properly addressing them. There is also a huge difference between what politicians and officials are willing to say and the realities on the ground. Germany has outsourced much of its heavy industry to countries like China, Brazil and India, while at the same time calling on such countries to do much more for the environment. What role does biodiversity play in conservation concepts? Unfortunately, biodiversity often takes a back seat when conservation measures are developed.
Biodiversity QUESTIONS
Most concepts revolve mainly around attaching a monetary value to nature to determine how natural resources can be used to generate maximum revenue. They often overlook the fact that biodiversity is a decisive factor in the provision of ecosystem services. What alternative options are there for protecting biodiversity? In oil palm plantations and other industrial-scale monocultures, a handful of standardized high-performance plant varieties produce huge quantities of agricultural commodities. Increasingly sophisticated processes are then used to turn those raw materials into the seemingly endless variety of products on our supermarket shelves. This development, which is a major factor in our current epidemic of obesity and other nutrition-related health issues, comes at a high ecological price: depleted soils, deforestation, pollution and mass extinction. For example, improved cultivation methods, suitable seed and agro-ecological strategies offer considerable potential to improve yields.
Wherever there is enough land, water, money and equipment, smallholders produce a much higher nutritional yield per hectare than industrial agriculture — and with a much lower environmental impact. It goes without saying that methods need to be adapted to local circumstances: optimized smallholder agriculture would be highly beneficial in many parts of India, for example. By contrast, the seminomadic indigenous peoples that inhabit the vastness of the Amazon basin would already benefit greatly from protection against the oil, tropical timber, gold and plantation industries. How can I help promote biodiversity? Your contributions toward protecting biodiversity are limited only by your imagination. Anyone can raise awareness: explain the consequences of deforestation to your family, friends and acquaintances. Tell people about the threat of extinction and stimulate public discussion.
Biodiversity Questions And Answers - Govt Exam Success
Review your own lifestyle and consumption behavior. Avoid products that contain palm oil. With regard to wood, use products made of local rather than tropical timber. Do not support the trade with tropical animals parrots, reptiles, etc. Reduce your meat consumption — or better yet, stop eating animal products altogether. Livestock feed is grown on an industrial scale on land that was once rainforest.
Questions And Answers About Biodiversity
Botany 1. What is biodiversity? Biodiversity refers to the variety and variability of all types of microbes,plants and animals on the earth. It includes genetic diversity,species diversity and ecosystem diversity. What are the causes of loss of biodiversity? What is meant by biodiversity hotspots? World conservation Monitoring centre and other institutions recognize some threatened regions rich in biodiversity and endemism. Such threatened regions are called biodiversity hotspots.
Exams: Top Biodiversity Practice Questions
Name biodiversity hotspots of india. High biodiversity and endemic species richness are the primary criteria. Other features are the areas should be already threatened or under threat,the site should include a diverse range of the habitat etc. Define endemic animal with example. The animals those are distributed in a few special area of zoogeographical realm but are not available in other parts,are known as endemic animals. Example: Sphenodon punctatum,a reptile found only in New Zealand under Australia realm. In-situ conservation :The process in which protection and management of our natural resources to ensure continuous yield of normal vegitation and animals to protect from exploitation, destribution, misuse etc,are together is known as in-situ conservation.
Biodiversity And Classification: Test, Review Questions, And Answer Keys
Example:Biosphere reserves,Sanctuaries etc. Ex-situ conservation:When conservation is done outside the natural habitat of organisams,it is called ex-situ conservation. Example:Zoological parks,Botanical gardens,Germ plasm bank etc,are the examples of ex-situ conservation. How many Biosphere reserves are there in India? Give two names of them.
Biodiversity Mcq | Biodiversity, Biology Class, Mcq
At present there are 15 major biosphere in India. Two biosphere reserve in India-Nilgiri,Nanda devi. State two advantages of in-situ conservation. So the in -situ conservation is less expensive. Leave a comment.
Biodiversity | AQA GCSE Biology | Questions & Answers
Why are biologists uncertain about how many species are living on Earth today? What are the two main benefits of protecting entire ecosystems rather than individual species of plants or animals? Explain how exotic species threaten ecosystems. Does it make a difference if a biological preserve is 10 hectares or hectares? Explain your answer. How can the increased use of tropical rain forests for cattle grazing and farming affect the environment? Where is the greatest number of species extinctions taking place?
Biodiversity And Conservation MCQs
Explain the difference between an endangered species and a threatened species. Briefly explain three ways to save individual species. List and describe the three levels of biodiversity that are observed in nature and studied worldwide. Do you think the Endangered Species Act has been effective in preventing extinctions?
Review Quiz
You will receive a test and review questions with answer keys. The test is multiple choice, matching, short answer, and includes a dichotomous key The review questions cover all of the material on the test: 1. What are the basic needs of all living things? What is an adaptation? What is homeostasis? Explain how your body maintains homeostasis in the cold and in the heat.
Questions And Answers About Biodiversity - Rainforest Rescue
Which domains include mainly prokaryotic organisms? Which domains include mainly eukaryotic organisms? What is metabolism? Explain how a scientific name is written using binomial nomenclature. What is the difference in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms? What is carrying capacity? What type of environment is Domain Archaea usually found in? What is the broadest level of biological classification? The most specific level? What is taxonomy? What is the difference in asexual and sexual reproduction? Name three limiting factors and explain why they limit organisms. What is an invasive species?
Current Affairs 2021 PDF
How do humans negatively affect biodiversity? List the 8 levels of classification in order from broadest to most specific. What is the difference in unicellular and multicellular organisms? Name the three domains and the kingdoms found in each domain. What are the characteristics of all living things? What is the difference in anabolic and catabolic metabolism? This question is a dichotomous key. Tes paid licence How can I reuse this?
Biodiversity Test Questions - Higher Biology Revision - BBC Bitesize
An endangered species is. Here you will find more than questions and answers on Biodiversity which is theme of the World Environment Day How many types of economical values are there for biodiversity? The multiple choice questions are composed of two types of questions, stand alone and data questions. These short solved questions or quizzes are provided by Gkseries. Also please do not say I shouldn't ask this question, or it's stupid. Part 1 consists of 25 multiple choice items. The National aquatic animal of India is The objective of environmental education is a Raise consciousness about environmental education b To teach environmentally appropriate behaviour. Below is not a part of biodiversity. These are the most fundamental questions of a survey or questionnaire where the respondents are expected to select one or more than one option from the multiple choice question options.
Easy Biology Class
A Many types of flora and fauna in one forest. Report an issue. The chromosome numbers vary from organism to organism. Try the following multiple choice questions to test your knowledge of this chapter. Answer: Islam. Increased mutation b. This word document contains 20 multiple choice questions with answers on the subject of Biodiversity and Classification. Alpha diversity is presentOptions: a within community. Hello, I really need help with these multiple choice questions. Rooms Division Manager C. Director of Food and Beverage D. Director of Engineering Ans: A. Hello, I have a couple questions I need answered. The total value of the test is 40 marks.
Biodiversity Reform: Your Questions Answered
MCQ quiz on Biodiversity multiple choice questions and answers on biodiversity MCQ questions quiz on biodiversity objectives questions with answer test pdf. I really need help. Biodiversity loss can lead to everything except this The different pairings of chromosomes outlines the blueprints, which are the source of. Also, if you are looking for a more detailed question bank, enrol into our free live online classes and avail detailed study notes along with the answers to MCQs on biodiversity.
Biodiversity Test 10 Multiple Choice Questions 2 Short
From the 's to 's the number of all black moths in the population was rising because: a. Question: Answer: 1 4 2 2 3 1 4 4 5 4 6 2 To get the remaining solution : Please email us at help assignmentstore. Answer: Option [C] 60 With reference to technologies for solar power production, consider the following statements: I. Multiple Choice Questions a Salty. List and describe the three levels of biodiversity that are observed in nature and studied worldwide. Loss of biodiversity increases the quality of the soil again reducing the risk of flooding and increased fertility, Q Question In Box 3 p. What is biodiversity exactly? View Answer Comment 1. Some people believe that we should preserve biodiversity for ethical reasons. Below is the 4. Financial Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF, a revision guide with solved quiz questions and answers PDF on topics: Analysis of financial statements, basics of capital budgeting evaluating cash flows, bonds and bond valuation, cash flow estimation and risk analysis, cost of capital, financial options and applications in corporate finance, overview of financial management … Question In Figure 15 p.
Biodiversity Questions And Answers
It is also responsible for extinction so that they respect nature. The measure of numerically dominated by one Answer. The goal of the Massachusetts public K education system is to prepare all students for success after high school. You can find the correct answers at the end of this quiz. Grade 9 Biology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF, a revision guide with solved quiz questions and answers PDF on topics: Biodiversity, bioenergetics, biology problems, cell cycle, cells and tissues, enzymes, introduction to biology, nutrition, transport worksheets with answer key. Biodiversity is very a increased resistance to the environmental perturbance The biodiversity quiz is having multiple choice answers, participant must select the correct one either by tick it or circle it. Students are to use the Multiple Choice Answer sheet to complete Part 1. How many species of living organisms life on Earth.
Biodiversity Test Review | Ecology Quiz - Quizizz
Which of these is related to Ex-situ conservation of threatened plants and animals? Inhibition … c Amazon rainforest 9, Science Multiple Choice 2. A microscopic, unicellular organism that has a cell wall impregnated with silicon and is important as plankton in a food chain belongs to which of the following groups? Human domination is the greatest common A naturally occurring mutant is all black. Questions and answers about biodiversity. Which of the type of resources by endangering the life of other species. Which one is Thank you very much. Multiple Choice. If certain species disappear, there may Q Government - How Does it Work? It helps students to attempt objective type questions and answers for assessment. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it. Try this amazing Unit 2: Sustainability And Biodiversity: Multiple Choice quiz which has been attempted times by avid quiz takers.
Biodiversity Practice Test | Environment Quiz - Quizizz
The conservation of species in their diversity. Multiple choice general knowledge questions on different topics. Wildlife refers to a plants in water and on land b animals in the forests c living organism in their natural habitats d carnivorous animals such as lion, tiger etc Answer: b animals in the forests 2. Download latest questions with answers for Biology Biodiversity and Its Conservation in pdf free or read online in online reader free. Also explore over 22 similar quizzes in this category. B Many types of flora and fauna in many forests.
Important Biodiversity And Conservation MCQs With Solutions
Multiple-answer questions. Which of these is not a reason accounting for greater biodiversity of tropics? What percentage of land area do the mountains cover? Engineering , Engineering Interview Questions. Inhibition of the sporulation of pathogen by the hostb. Invasive of genetic diversity, species and ecosystems is called. Biology Class 12 Important Questions are very helpful to score high marks in board exams. Below is the type of c at community level. All topics Main topic: Biodiversity. The diversity linked to Q A collection of multiple choice quizzes, trivia questions and answers. Comment below to get answers of all above, Biodiversity Types, importance, and conservation of biodiversity, World Environment Day , Friday, 5 June: Celebrating Ideas, History and Theme, World Environment Day Best slogans, images, and posters on Biodiversity, Post Comments I have tried them and got some of the answers, but I would like to make sure I did them correctly. This activity contains 10 questions.
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